martes, 21 de junio de 2016

Unit 3: "Going Places" / Be going to


1.- To practice your speaking watch this video and repeat every single sentence you listen to about "Where are you going?" to corroborate your practice, record yourself in your cellphone.

Year One: Future with Be Going To

This movie has funny moments, but  this scene in particurally, is appropriate to contrast the uses of be going to in order to express the future.

2.- Read the sentences that were taken from the segment from the movie Year One. Decide the reason the structure to "be going to" is used and write it in the parentheses on a comment at the end of this entrance.

1. I'm going to change my head. (A)
2. I'm going to eat the forbidden fruit. ( )
3. Eating a fruit is not going to change your entire life. ( )
4. He's going to ask some questions to test if his friend got more intelligent. ( )
5. The snake is going to constrict him. ( )
6. The snake is going to eat him. ( )
7. He's going to die a virgin. ( )
8. I'm going to go eat more fruit. ( )


-click on the game
-click on the grammar box
-choose the basketball game and enjoy!

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